We are a SME eco bag manufacturer located in Longgang, Cangnan, an eco bag manufacturing harbor.
We do a lot of OEM and ODM eco bags for various foreign customers since established. And has more than 10 years’ experience in bag making industry especially on cotton bags, canvas bags, non-woven bags, Oxford bags, drawstring bags, backpack, etc. we provide customers with a flexible way of cooperation, both customized order with your provided sample and develop designs for customers.
Our factory is not big but well-equipped. We offer one-stop service from Design, proofing, printing, sewing, packaging, quality inspection, and shipping. We focused the quality a lot from raw material to final packing. Every order, regardless of quantity, must be inspected. Our customer like our quality, and There are currently “0” claims about the product.
Whether you are large or small, or even individual, we will provide cost-effective products with high-quality services.
Small orders will never be ignored, instead we will support and provide the lowest MOQ and best price. For startups, we provide ultra-low minimum quantity and one-stop shop solution service. we will walk with you to help you grow and succeed.
In fact, in the past few years, we have witnessed the transformation of our customers from zero to one million. Cooperate with us and hope that the next millionaires will be you.
In the future, we will continue to uphold such core values:
Grow up together with customers, think about what customers think, help what customers need. And to achieve customers means to achieve ourselves.